I took a glance outside.
The sky was blue.
As I stood up, I saw the tray coming my way.
The skirt was orange.
The smile was pristine.
And the was turbulence.
Undaunted, I stormed to the back.
Rushing to the confined space.
Gravity released me.
I peed.
Though the suction was loud and intense.
I was relieved.
In this world, it's either you alone, or with-a-ride.
0 comments Posted by WhoTakesTheSugar at 6:43 PMQuote: That's how science goes, it's about changing your mind about things.
1 comments Posted by WhoTakesTheSugar at 1:53 AMHave you heard the news?
There is water on the Moon.
"Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky his is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says, 'that's her.'”
It is stuff like this that contributes to the threshold level of a girl giving out her number to a nice guy like me. Heheh. Anyways, few weeks back I was at a party and I met this young lady, a doctor, who just graduated from Moscow and still waiting for her housemanship posting. We had a good chat and naturally I asked for her number. But what transpired after is totally incomprehensible to the n-th degree. With a teasing smile, she gave me the first four digits of her number. And then she left.
Fucking quotes.
Alright, enough about my lack of results. I don't even remember her name now, but the point is, I need to find me more flirtatious young ladies. They are just too fun not to mess with. Too much excitement to be missed out. And Nizamapis was right, 27 is the new 17. Heheh.
Folks, I know I've been slacking off. The truth is I have been writing/posting somewhere else. By writing or posting, I mean shitting. So, the reason people call it shitbreak is because you take a break from shitting.
Ok, I don't know where that came from. But I've been busy is all.
So let's talk about this Swine Flu that have killed 80 people in Mexico. No shit. It's a pandemic and the only good thing about pandemic is, population control. That's right. There is just too many people on earth right now. And, there is too many that litter everywhere especially near my apartment. I hope you die, motherfuckers. Die of this Swine Flu. Your death certificate would print that in bold. Shit.
Folks, it's holiday time for me. I'm off to Koh Samui for a few days.
Don't forget to shake the tambourines.
Hello. I am at work pumping some productive hours on a Tuesday afternoon.
OK, I'm lying. I am reading an online article about personal hygiene at The Star TWO - Total Women Online website (don't ask me how did I get there).
Anyways it was revealed that only 44% of Malaysians actually shower before going to bed. Surprising? Meh, I am certainly not. Because I don't shower before I go to bed. I think it's a waste of resources to spend extra time in the shower after work. And of course, my body smells great all the time because obviously I am a superhuman.
But I don't know about you though. I take the Putra LRT everyday and I gotta tell ya, everybody else needs a shower right after work before they take the Putra home. YOU ALL STINK!
'Brain decline' begins at age 27
Mental powers start to dwindle at 27 after peaking at 22, marking the start of old age, US research suggests.
Professor Timothy Salthouse of the University of Virginia found reasoning, spatial visualisation and speed of thought all decline in our late 20s.
Therapies designed to stall or reverse the ageing process may need to start much earlier, he said.
His seven-year study of 2,000 healthy people aged 18-60 is published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging.
To test mental agility, the study participants had to solve puzzles, recall words and story details and spot patterns in letters and symbols.The same tests are already used by doctors to spot signs of dementia.
In nine out of 12 tests the average age at which the top performance was achieved was 22.
The first age at which there was any marked decline was at 27 in tests of brain speed, reasoning and visual puzzle-solving ability.
Things like memory stayed intact until the age of 37, on average, while abilities based on accumulated knowledge, such as performance on tests of vocabulary or general information, increased until the age of 60.
Professor Salthouse said his findings suggested "some aspects of age-related cognitive decline begin in healthy, educated adults when they are in their 20s and 30s."
Rebecca Wood of the Alzheimer's Research Trust agreed, saying: "This research suggests that the natural decline of some of our mental abilities as we age starts much earlier than some of us might expect - in our 20s and 30s.
"Understanding more about how healthy brains decline could help us understand what goes wrong in serious diseases like Alzheimer's.
"Alzheimer's is not a natural part of getting old; it is a physical disease that kills brain cells, affecting tens of thousands of under 65s too.
"Much more research is urgently needed if we are to offer hope to the 700,000 people in the UK who live with dementia, a currently incurable condition."
Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7945569.stm
Thanks Lisa for the tip.
I got this video last night and it made me laugh so hard.. guling guling. Check it out yourself.
Enter new year 2009. There's just a couple things about this year that really strike me.
a. ...
b. ....
You know what, I'll tell you later.