Of littering and swine flu

Folks, I know I've been slacking off. The truth is I have been writing/posting somewhere else. By writing or posting, I mean shitting. So, the reason people call it shitbreak is because you take a break from shitting.

Ok, I don't know where that came from. But I've been busy is all.

So let's talk about this Swine Flu that have killed 80 people in Mexico. No shit. It's a pandemic and the only good thing about pandemic is, population control. That's right. There is just too many people on earth right now. And, there is too many that litter everywhere especially near my apartment. I hope you die, motherfuckers. Die of this Swine Flu. Your death certificate would print that in bold. Shit.

Full Moon

Folks, it's holiday time for me. I'm off to Koh Samui for a few days.
Don't forget to shake the tambourines.

Zitto, we need your help.


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Don't be fooled by the following picture. Really.
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Zulhusni Mokhti is a Malay name; the name "Mokhti" is a patronymic, not a family name, and the person should be referred to by his or her given name, "Zulhusni", or his nickname, "Lock".

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