No, I Am Not Hurt At All.

I took a glance outside.
The sky was blue.

As I stood up, I saw the tray coming my way.
The skirt was orange.
The smile was pristine.
And the was turbulence.

Undaunted, I stormed to the back.
Rushing to the confined space.

Gravity released me.
I peed.

Though the suction was loud and intense.
I was relieved.


Don't be fooled by the following picture. Really.

Don't be fooled by the following picture. Really.
Terms and condition apply.


Zulhusni Mokhti is a Malay name; the name "Mokhti" is a patronymic, not a family name, and the person should be referred to by his or her given name, "Zulhusni", or his nickname, "Lock".

All contents and images are under Malaysia Creative Commons license. Template is by Blogcrowds with modifications by Zulhusni Mokhti.
Creative Commons License