It feels like democracy... almost

So the BN lost a few seats, big deal.

But I already imagining, Anwar Ibrahim, sitting comfortably at his house shouting "In your face, bitches!"
I bet he's the happiest guy in town when the results were announced last night.

The newspapers are calling this a Political Tsunami or whatever the fuck. They already dispatching whole troops of political analysis to say something smart, and at the same time not mocking to current government. "We need to get to the bottom of this", says one pro-analyst.

But for me it's simple. The people are giving the government a warning.

Since I already sound like I know a lot about all this stuff, let me add that in Penang, the situation is most confusing. The opposition swept most the DUN seats. Here I thought the Malays were unhappy with the local government especially those in pulau, but turns out the Chinese were unhappy as well. So the question is, what was Koh Tsu Koon doing? I bet he must've done something terrible awful to get this kinda rejection.

The biggest mistake that BN did, I think, was the lineups of the candidates. Not to mention the sons of ministers who suddenly took over a few places. I feel repulse just to name them. And also, now with many ministers out of the way, I bet KJ and Mukhriz will be in Cabinet. Duh.

Whatever it is, I hope with this new Parliaments arrangement, there would be less spin and bias decision. BN, it's called Check-and-Balance.
Later, bitches.


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Zulhusni Mokhti is a Malay name; the name "Mokhti" is a patronymic, not a family name, and the person should be referred to by his or her given name, "Zulhusni", or his nickname, "Lock".

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