Of election and root cause analysis

Someone told me that we should not vote for BN because bla bla bla
Someone also told me that we must support the current government because bla bla bla

All these mixed messages, unbalanced media, peoples reaction, SPR decision and government decision lead me to do my own analysis. And it is the only thing that matters, at least for me.


A friend told me that he does not like Khairy Jamaluddin. He said "Who is he? Who is this guy who suddenly emerged in Malaysia politic scene like he is someone?"

And I thought to myself, KJ is just a random guy. He was no one. This makes me feel sad. Why?

Because in Malaysia, you have to be someone in order to get into the political scene. If KJ weren't married to you-know-who, would he made it to who he is today?

But what bug me the most is, I want a country that offers equal opportunity to everyone in terms of education, employment, politics, commerce and all those. And here, I see people are still not ready for this kinda change.
Status quo still plays important role in people's decision.
Unequal distribution of wealth is rampant.
The Social Contract is forgotten by vast majority.

We are just not ready, yet.

(And here I am, in the midst of national election, spending my time playing DotA. I wish I am below 21. Please don't judge me)


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Zulhusni Mokhti is a Malay name; the name "Mokhti" is a patronymic, not a family name, and the person should be referred to by his or her given name, "Zulhusni", or his nickname, "Lock".

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