Hope floats, hope sinks

At first it all seems possible.
B1 conditon: must be a replacement.
B2 condition: handing over must be at least a month.

Then a replacement came. A month passed by.
B1 condition: replacement must be experienced, not fresh-grad.
B2 condition: handing over must be at least six months.

And now, as if I wasn't baffled enough already, HR called back my replacement cos they can't afford to wait six months. My transfer status? Indefinite hold.



  1. Miss Aida said...


    Wading through red tape and bureaucracy really is a bitch.

    Good luck.  

  2. Jasmin Hassan said...

    hang in there...  

  3. Unknown said...

    haha.. tak dpt transfer ke dol? hahha.. rilek brader, baru beberaper tahun. belum keras lagik. neway kau nak transfer pegi mane?

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