Is this not the conclusion?

"In Asia, if Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi of Malaysia steps down, which is looking increasingly likely amid post-election turmoil within his party, he may be that region’s first high-profile political casualty of fuel and food price inflation."
─ New York Times

I like the way they put this into perspective. Speaking of which, the price of coal is reaching record high of USD100/ton and still going up. This is really bad news for Malaysia because a) we import coal and b) more than 30% of our electricity generated from coal. Worse, Tenaga is the one whose absorbing this inflation because of its inability to control the tariff. And worst, there goes my bonus for this year.

Two words: Conserve, bitches!

But that's the environmentalist/conservationist/traditionalist side of me speaking. I bet Lisa agrees. Truth is, if I had it my way, my advice would be this:


Yeah that's right. I said it. Why? Because we are already generating electricity at 30-40% surplus. More usage from consumers means more revenue for Tenaga, hence more bucks for me. So go on and use all your blenders, air-conds, and what have you like there's no tomorrow.
(Lisa, don't you be hatin' on me now).


  1. Miss Aida said...

    Save the whales.

    Oh wait.

    I'm thinking the planet.  

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