What to eat, what to eat

There were some suggestions of using biofuel and wood pellets for power generations. Look, I know what you're thinking. It could save fuel cost and minimize dependency on oil and coal. But I must say as promising as it sounds, my verdict stands: BULLSHIT.

Why? Because plantations and crops are good for one thing, FOOD. Don't even think of disrupting the balance because food is already scarce as it is. Ever heard of Thomas Malthus' Principle of Population? That's right morons. Population growth versus food-production gap is not getting any narrower and electricity demand is not going south either. It's a scary shit graph if you asked me.

So tell me, what do you wanna eat 50 years from now? Petroleum flavored ice-cream? McCoal value meals?

And above all, if the 90%-10% coal-wood mixing plan really fly (at least at management level), that would spell more work for me. Come on now folks, technically speaking, we gonna need new sets of crusher, mill, belt-scale & conveyor system to boot. They are not even sure if the boilers can burn well without slagging. So let's forget about it. Bokay?

And stop listening to them politicians.


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Zulhusni Mokhti is a Malay name; the name "Mokhti" is a patronymic, not a family name, and the person should be referred to by his or her given name, "Zulhusni", or his nickname, "Lock".

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