Economies of cigars

Been reading an article about current Malaysia economies, quote

"the Malaysian economy is far better than most people give it credit for."
The writer went further upholding his stand by contrasting local and global situations, quote
"China is contracting — an event that its authorities say is planned. The housing market in the US is contracting and some banks are showing signs of shakiness. Global oil prices are surging, inflation is persistently high, the stock market is torpid, the sub-prime problem continues to bedevil Western financial systems.

Fundamentally, the Malaysian economy remains resilient. The second quarter’s trade surplus clocked in at a whopping RM40.8 billion compared to the first quarter’s RM27 billion. Gross exports grew at a healthy 21 per cent. And Malaysia’s gross domestic product grew at a very reasonable 6.7 per cent"

I read with full enthusiasm as if I understand the whole picture. Truth is, dude, you lost me at contracting.

All I'm saying is, cigarette now costs RM9.00 per pack.

Though I tried to justify my purchase that I actually am directly contributing to nation building and funding mega projects, personally I think RM9.00 per pack is just ridiculous if compared to our earning per capita. Sigh.

Paklah, you're mean.



  1. Toots said...

    On a much brighter note, if you stop smoking now, you're actually saving more! ;)  

  2. WhoTakesTheSugar said...

    uh.. ajjie you're contracting. or not. whatever. i still don't understand what it means contextually.  

  3. munir sulaiman said...

    kau isap rokok bnyk doh....  

  4. Miss Aida said...


    You should smoke less.

    In fact, the whole nation should smoke less!  

  5. amir rizwan said...

    ntah. smoke less ah lock  

  6. munir sulaiman said...

    tu aa..smoke less aa lock.  

  7. WhoTakesTheSugar said...

    yelaa yelaa. naik rm10 nnt aku berenti.

    anyways, aida, i think munir has a crush on you. nyehehe.  

  8. Anonymous said...

    bro, senang je solution die. hisap Nusantara gudang garam. kalau skrg kau tolong ekonomi molosia, dgn membeli Nusantara gudang garam kau akan tolong ekonomi indon plak. either way, we are all coming from same seed. kita satu rumpun pak!  

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